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5 Copywriting Tips to Help You Improve Your Conversions

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Here are 5 copywriting tips to help you improve conversions with your sales letters,emails,blogs or any kind of marketing you may be doing in your business.

1 – Learn how to write killer headlines/titles

Famous copywriter David Ogilvy used to say when you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.

If you want to get better response with your ads,sales letters,blogs,articles and squeeze pages get great at writing headlines and titles!

I like using The Four U’s approach to writing headlines/titles.

The Four U’s are:

-Be useful
-Be unique.
-Be ultra-specific.
-Be urgent

My favorite headline/title formulas are:

How T0 [get a benefit]
Example: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

How to [do amazing thing] without [unpleasant thing]
Example: “How To Get ALL Of Your Sales Letters, Scripts And Webinar Slides, Emails And Ads Written (In As Little As 10 Minutes) WITHOUT Hiring An Expensive Copywriter!”


2 -Become a good storyteller

In my MLM days my upline would always say that facts tell and stories sell!

If you want to become a world class copywriter get good at telling stories.

An engaging story can do almost all of the selling for you.

Plus stories are a fun and entertaining way to communicate with someone,get your point across or make the case for your product or service.

3 – Use power words

Power words are words that copywriters use to trigger a psychological or emotional response. Power words are highly persuasive and get people to take action.

Here is a nice list of power words right here.


4 – Learn how to write good bullets

I remember reading a Ben Settle email where he talked about how one highly persuasive sales letter bullet could be enough to seal the deal.

If you don’t know,a bullet or what some copywriters call “fascinations” are those bulleted lists of benefit points you see at the bottom of most sales letters.

Your bullets should stress the main benefits of the product your selling.

Another great way to write bullets is to evoke tons of curiousity in your readers mind.

One well written curiousity driven bullet can be enough to sell your product or service!

5 – Focus on benefits,not features

If you want to get better results with your marketing and improve conversions focus on benefits,not features.

A benefit tells the prospect what your product will do for them not what it is (features).

Let me give you an example.

A person who wants to lose weight doesn’t care that your weight loss drink has some secret ingredient only found in the jungles of Brazil.

That would be a feature because you’re telling them what is in the product.

A benefit would be if you told them drinking your weight loss drink would help them slim down so they can fit back into clothes from their college or even high school days!

When marketing with benefits think about how your product will:

-Save them money
-Make them more money
-Save them time
-Eliminate pain
-Make things simpler and easier
-Make them improve their status in society
-Make them feel smarter
-Grow their business
-Give them more freedom in their life
-Increase their confidence
-Give them better health
-Improve their relationships in some way
-Make them feel better physically

Hope these copywriting tips helped. Have any copywriting tips not mentioned in this post? Let us know in the comments section below.


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