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5 Link Building Strategies That Will Boost Your Google Rankings and Drive More Traffic to Your Website!

I’m going to get straight to the point.

If you want your content to rank on the first page of Google for the keywords you’re targeting you need to create a lot of killer content and have a good link building strategy in place.

In this quick article I would like to share with you 5 of my favorite link building strategies so you can get better rankings on Google and get more traffic and leads for your business!


1 – Blog Commenting 

Dropping comments on other blogs in your niche is a great linkbuilding strategy plus it won’t cost you a penny.

What you don’t want to do is post “Awesome blog post” just to snag a quick and easy backlink.

Actually post a comment that contributes to the post and adds value. Doing this will get you noticed and you might even get a few people to click over to your website.


2 – The Skyscraper Technique

This is a link building strategy invented by Brian Dean of Backlinko.

What you do is find a blog post that has high quality backlinks you want as well.

Once you figure out what topic the blog post is about publish a blog post around that same topic but only better (more words and more in depth).

Then simply ask the blog owners who backlinked to the blog post you wrote a better on one if you can get a backlink too!

There is a good chance they will say yes because your content is relevant and better.


3 – Publish Ultimate Guides 

An ultimate guide is basically a long form blog post that covers an entire topic/keyword. Publishing long form blog posts is one of the best ways to get tons of high quality backlinks from credible bloggers in your niche.

Two bloggers who are great at creating ultimate guides are Neil Patel and Brian Dean of Backlinko.

Here is a great blog post on creating ultimate guides.


4 – Broken Link Building 


This is a link building strategy where you find broken links then reach out to webmasters with a blog post/resource you’ve published to replace the link.

It’s a win win situation because you’re fixing the broken link for the webmaster and acquiring a link as well.


5 – Guest Blog

Guest blogging is a great way build brand awareness and get in front of another audience but it’s also a great way to build backlinks.

Most webmasters who accept guest posts will let you place a link back to your website,product or lead magnet (usually in your bio box at the end of the guest post).

Once again it’s a win win situation because the blogger who accepted the guest post got content for their blog and you acquired a backlink!



Hope these link building strategies helped. Remember,the best way to get backlinks is to create content that is so good that other bloggers naturally link to you.

So,what link building strategy has worked best for you? Let us know in the comments below.






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