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5 Secrets to Building a Profitable Online Business

I’ve failed a lot since starting my online business in 2011.

But through the years I’ve learned a few secrets about growing a successful online business,the few things you must do if you want to move the needle in your business.

Here Are 5 Secrets to Building a Profitable Online Business

1 – Focus on one niche – You can’t grow an online business if you’re focused on too many niches at one time. Focus on becoming an expert in one niche. Experts get paid the best too.

2 – Build your email list – If you want to build a successful online business for the long term you need to be building an email list. They say the average person is subscribed to 100 or so email lists. Email is far from being dead. I like building my email list with AWeber. You can email up to 500 subscribers for free. Check out AWeber right here. 

3 – Create useful/helpful content – The way you build a strong brand and attract business is by creating content that solves people’s problems. What are questions that people in your niche frequently ask? Simply create content that answers those questions.

4 – Email your list daily – I try to email my list daily because I want to stay top of mind with my subscribers. Email is also responsible for most of the income my business generates.

If you want to learn how to write emails that entertain,educate & sell I highly recommend subscribing to Ben Settle’s Email Players print newsletter. You can check it out right here. 

5 – Master one paid traffic strategy – Content marketing is awesome because it’s free but it does take a lot of time,energy & patience to start generating traffic,leads and customers.

That’s why it’s good to master one paid traffic strategy. I’m in the internet marketing niche so I like to buy solo ad traffic.

I buy all of my solo ad traffic from a website called Udimi. You can check them out right here

Here a few other paid traffic strategies worth considering:

-Google Ads
-YouTube Ads
-Facebook Ads
-LinkedIn Ads
-TikTok Ads
-Outbrain Ads


If you’re not getting the results you want in your online business (traffic,leads and customers) I highly recommend you execute on some of the secrets I talked about in this article.

Have any business building tips to share with us?

Let us know in the comments section below.


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